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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Change is...

Psalms 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. 9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. 11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. 12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. 13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Change is....
just plain old....HARD and REQUIRED!

I have tears in my eyes right this moment because my desire for all of us is that I could just say, this journey is gonna be 'easy'. But one thing I have learned, walking the road myself, is that it is HARD - JUST PLAIN OLD HARD! I am so frustrated at that right now. It is my desire that each of you have good success and that you walk into that success smiling and glowing. I guess that's how I 'parent' too. It hurts me desperately when I have to force my son to do things that are uncomfortable. I had things really, really, hard growing up and I want to shelter him from that. But realizing that in the things that I went through I grew and I gained knowledge, wisdom and strength that no amount of 'books' could teach me, I realize that difficulty or rather (and more importantly) PERSEVERING THROUGH the difficulty nets tremendous rewards.

Then I looked at this scripture. The part of it we always focus on is 'create in me a clean heart o God'. But that's now how it starts. It starts out with a good old fashioned 'BUTT WHOOPIN' form the Lord. Purge me with hyssop...uh, no thanks. I'll pass. Break my bones...umm...i'm good. Hide thy face...wait, God no...I need you right here, right now, don't hide from my sins, I'm in my sins....come get me. Please, cast me not away from thy presence, I say, but I realize He's not even really 'casting' me away, I am walking away! God can't be in the presence of my sin so either I have to decide to let Him 'beat' it out of me or wallow in it - alone. I don't desire to be alone. I don't want to any of you to feel left out in the cold because things are not 'working' for you as quickly as you'd like.

BUT (and its a big but)! We have to take responsibility for the part we play in our success or lack therein. Am I turning to God when I should or am I going to the old standby (bowl of ice cream, bag of chips, bottle of soda)? So much of the issues I get mad at God for are my fault (notice, I didn't say 'all').

B2E News:
The Do It Again - RAP (review all pitfalls) Session was a great success! Thank you so much for coming out and sharing. I think we all learned a lot about our selves Tuesday night. Based on everyone's feedback, I'm scheduling the next RAP session for November 18th, 2010 @ 7pm. That will give us approximately 3 months to make some progress and have some growth and get back together to share and strengthen one another before THANKSGIVING. Congratulations to all the winners!

B2E Get-A-Way
I am still trying to schedule this prayer/fitness/nutrition field trip to Cane Creek. We were shooting for either 9/17 or 9/24 but the cabins are not available. I'll keep you posted, we may have to do a change of venue or scheduling. Trying to keep it as cost effective as possible. I am also soliciting my BESTEE-Pam D. to plan one of her fabulous 'Get-A-Way's' for our 'regional' group. Send your suggestions and Stay tuned!!

Pray-in/Weigh-in (local AND remote)
Monthly: Come in or send in your stats and prayer requests (on the 2nd Saturday of each month)
30 minute Prayer Circle - followed by weigh in
9/11, 10/9, November - No pray in/weigh in due to RAP session, 12/11
Location & Times: TBA. Feel free to suggest your favorite site. RCM (301 W. 24th Street) is my old standby. But I'm willing to go elsewhere.

Today my prayer is simple, 'Create in me a clean heart o God and renew the right spirit with in me'. But I say it as a sincere invitation, to God, for you and for me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Make the right choice

Romans 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

Paul really hit home with me in this scripture. Some of the things that I am challenging myself to do, I really don't yet understand. I get frustrated, it doesn't come easily. But the thing I hate - not because I don't enjoy them - such as eating whatever I want, not exercising, watching tv with bon bons. These things I more easily do. I don't hate them, but I do hate the results of these actions; I don't want to gain weight, I don't want to raise my cholesterol, I don't want to ever go back on blood pressure meds- yet, it is so much easier to make the 'wrong' choices than the ones that actually support my goals and desires that I want for my life.

Success is difficult! No where in any presentation that I have ever given have I tried to mislead anyone that this or any change that you desire for your life was easy. But with Christ it is possible. It is up to us to surrender to God our will and ask that His will be done.

Tomorrow night, we will be enjoying one another's company at the 'Do it again - RAP (Review All Pitfalls) session'. 7pm at 301 W. 24th Street. Please be sure to rsvp by this evening - so far I have about 15 people confirmed. (call my cel - 704-493-2035 or send me an email Dinner will be provided so I need to know how many to plan for.

I desire that we all have good success. Joshua 1:8 tells us how.

I am including a special note today. Kim J. has honored me with her testimony and is allowing me to share it with you all. She is in Baltimore so she won't be with us tomorrow night. Here is her testimony:

"To ALL who are interested: My name is Kim J and I too am strugglin' with this thang!!! Thanks to God and Lisa, who both helped me to understand that this is a life long journey and one that I have to conquer with support from God and all other interested and supportive individuals who also understand that it is a daily struggle. I have had a weight problem all of my life but have always been determined to succeed in whatever I chose to do despite my weight. All of these years, I have not understood that I have been giving in to my weight through indulging in foods that are not good for me or to me and that the unhealthy foods have been winning. I refuse to give in anymore; Lisa has helped me to realize that it is a battle but one we must choose to win and in order to win, we must endure. And this time, I am determined to endure. I realize that if I allow myself to slip back into old habits, I will give up so....with every bite of food I put in my mouth (good, bad or a tie) oh yeah, I do cheat...I make the decision to work it out in the gym or instead of staying under 1800 calories a day I have to drop down to 1500 calories a day for 2 days if I decide to have that nasty bag of potato chips that I love especially when I am PMSing. No it's not easy to be good all the time but I am in it for the long haul. You have to have a made up mind, be prepared, be strengthened and be ready to endure. Trust me, my maximum wt was 341lbs; when I started this eating plan (yep, you have to plan)in April, I was 321lbs I am now down to 285lbs in four months and looking foward to the next four months. Trust me, if I can do this, anyone can do this. After years of hearing people use this adage and hearing myself and other people say it's your thyroid, it's your self esteem, you're not motivated, you have no will power,and you're lazy; I know that none of it was true, I just wasn't ready to make the committment. So busy caring for other folks!!! Now it's time to care for me and truly care for me. I am in it to win it for life!!!! Hope this encourages you to get started and Keep It Movin' (KIM). "

Amen Kim! I'm so proud of you - keep walking on water!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Daniel 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

The characters in this story stood for righteousness not for what it would bring them out of, though they believed God could, they stood for righteousness for righteousness sake. They had refused to eat the king's meat. Now they were refusing not to bow down to the king's idol and since they refuse...into the furnace they will go. Here's where it gets good!

They tell the king directly, God is ABLE and WILL deliver them from the fiery furnace. Then they go one step further! They tell him, "BUT IF NOT"! HA! GOTCHA! BUT IF NOT indicates that the outcome if this particular test is irrelevant. Do it or don't - what they not gonna do is go against their God! The spirit of NON-COMPROMISE is what Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah had. Up to this point it had gained them favor in the eyes of the king. Now, however, the king's ego was in the way and it was time to put their money where their mouth is!!

Doing what is right often NOT easy. Its usually NOT what everyone else is doing AND it may NOT be immediately gratifying but right is RIGHT! Will you do what is right for your health and the temple of God (your body) just because it is right? Will you have a BUT IF NOT attitude with the scale? Or you will compromise out of fear, convenience or lack of commitment?

Congratulations Time:

Jerri - Philly/DC - Stay out them 2's sista! You got this - Go higher!

Olivia, Roz, Porshe, Conya - Thanks for the RSVP see you at the Do Over RAP Session!

Our first 'start over' date is next Tuesday August 24th, 2010 @ Redemption (301 W. 24th Street, Charlotte, NC 28206) @ 7pm. A healthy dinner will be provided with a brief 'RAP' (Review All Pitfalls) of the program along with some 'sister/brother' time just to focus on our success. I need you to RSVP to me via email at or facebook so that I can be sure to have enough to feed you. Feel free to bring a friend, even if they are not on the program. I will be reaching out to some of you in Charlotte to help with the get together- every joint supplieth. (Newbees are welcome too - we can learn from each other). (We'll be brief - we'll eat, talk, pray all at the same time and out of there by 8:30pm)

Recipe: Eggplant Frittata

1 Medium Eggplant (rinsed, peeled, julienned (cut into slivers)
1 Medium Vidalia onion (sliced)
1 TBSP McCormick Garlic Pepper seasoning (no salt added)
1/4 tsp Lite Salt (morton)
3-4 sprays of Pam olive oil
1/4 tsp Olive Oil
1/4 cup Egg Beaters

Prepare the eggplant (rinsed, peeled, julienned) by bringing 6 cups of water to a boil. Add the eggplant to the boiling water and make sure it is covered. Allow to cook for 5-10 mins, rinse and drain. Remove excess water by pressing out in strainer with large spoon. Cover with papertowel and set aside. In non-stick skillet (sprayed with Pam) cook onions until translucent. Remove from pan. Add 1/4 tsp of olive oil to hot pan. In separate bowl, combine onions, seasonings and eggplant. Place in pan, then pour egg beaters over mixture. Allow to cook until set (do not stir). Remove from heat and cover. Allow to continue cooking (off heat) for 5 mins. May be eaten with our without a carb. I enjoy it with jasmine rice or on its own.

Exchanges: 1 Protein A, 1 Veggie A in the WHOLE PAN. Add 1/2 cup of rice and it is a meal you will enjoy but won't be able to finish! Lots of fiber from the eggplant and if you leave some of the skin on, wonderful antioxidents!

Prayer: God, we know that 'diet' is not on the front of our minds in the midst of so much of 'life' that we are going through. Help us to make this a lifestyle that we can cling to that will strengthen us and dicipline us to be used in all the areas of our lives. Lord remind us today that you desire us to have life and life more abundantly. By putting our focus on your love and letting you guide and direct our paths, we will succeed. It is in your will that we have safety. It is under your holy spirit that we find comfort. Cover my sisters and brothers today with your arc of saftey. Touch their minds and spirits in all they endeavor to do today. Let them go forth with AUTHORITY and CONFIDENCE in YOUR abilities not their own. Lord, I ask you to remind me that my life is in your hands. Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Thank you for your LOVE being greater than my mess.

Special Prayer: TR & RD. The power of God is greater than any problem, any situation, any obstacle you face. He has placed in you the resource of the Holy Spirit which will provide you clarity. Walk in the clarity of God. Know that He is able to keep you in perfect peace. Love you my sisters.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to Eden - Do Over!

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Lemon on lime-be on time-make no excuses, give me 5-4-3-21...4-3-21...3-21...21...1!!!!
We used to play that game in the play ground when I was a little girl. Jumping through the rope to the tune, passing to the next level each time we successfully made it in, up, down and out of the rope without tripping. BUT! If along the way, at any point in the game, we messed had to start over from the BEGINNING. Even if we got all the way to '21' if we slipped or got tangled in the rope - back to square one. ARGH!!! So close!! Funny thing is, the more often we 'messed up' the better/closer we got to actually making it all the way through. Because each time we had to start over, we got a chance to 'hone' our skills at getting it right, if you will.

Starting over is a great thing! We often look at it like we are back at square one or as if we have 'failed' so we have to 'try again'. But the truth of the matter is, if we are willing to 'start over' then we have not failed! We only fail when we QUIT! I'm so excited about the sisters that want to 'start over' that I want to give you whatever support I can to get you focused on the path.

Our first 'start over' date is next Tuesday August 24th, 2010 @ Redemption (301 W. 24th Street, Charlotte, NC 28206) @ 7pm. A healthy dinner will be provided with a brief 'RAP' (Review All Pitfalls) of the program along with some 'sister/brother' time just to focus on our success. I need you to RSVP to me via email at or facebook so that I can be sure to have enough to feed you. Feel free to bring a friend, even if they are not on the program. I will be reaching out to some of you in Charlotte to help with the get together- every joint supplieth. (Newbees are welcome too - we can learn from each other). (We'll be brief - we'll eat, talk, pray all at the same time and out of there by 8:30pm)

I can't do it without you and you don't have to do it without me and none of us have to do it without God!

One more thing...I also remember getting to '1' and then getting cocky (hahaha - me cocky - NEVER) uh well, yeah...ok so, um...cocky! And when the battle was on, head to head with my girls start thinking I was cute and doing all kinds of tricks and lo and behold - O-U-T OUT! Don't be like me, remember Paul said don't think more highly of ourselves than we aught:)

Congratulations Time:
Kim J. almost down 40lbs so far and she is still doing the dern thang!! Way to go girl!
Pam D. down 8lbs in 14 days you go girl!! I'm proud of you on the 2nd go-round...u go girl!!
Marsharie I., working it out...keep that exercise up girl. We need to do a check in soon!
Rev.MJ - Off to a great start!! Keep that momentum going! Proud of you!!
BabyDoc-Need some status from you! I know the Lord has been using you delivering those precious babies, but we gotta take care of the sista too!
Judy D. - CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING YOUR GOAL!!! I'm proud of you my 'Cuqui'.
Philly - Hollar at your girl! Make some noise!
B'more - Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Kim is not alone up there!
DC - let me know how you holding partners!
Chi-town - y'all know I'm sending mad love ya way - prayers going up like incense.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for keeping us through another day another week another time. Lord we ask you to help us to look forward, press forward, go forward. Let us reclaim our place and our authority over the things that are attempting to keep us bound. We thank you for the VICTORY!!

Special Prayer for Audrey T. - My God is well able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you can ask or even think! I know that you are having ups and downs but God will not suffer your foot to be removed! The places God has you in right now are to be a blessing to all those that are surrounding you. Every appointment, every treatment, every - everything...Give God the Glory! I'll continue to hold you up in prayer!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clean it up

Matthew 14:29 And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Life has so many ups and downs and distractions. The storm, the rainbow, just the regular day to day can seem to get in the way. It doesn't have to necessarily be 'bad' things even the 'good - great' things can take us away from our routines. But the point is to regain our equilibrium and get back on track. Same as our Christian walk.

Where would we be if Peter just 'dropped out' when he fell short? Its perseverence that counts not one moment in time but all the moments weighed together that make up our lives. Don't sell yourself short by quitting because you've reached a plateau or fallen off. Remember that your success is built on a 'series of good' choices. The only way a 'series of bad' choices can out weigh that is if you quit.

We are all familiar with the cleaning product Formula 409. Formula 409 is the end result of 408 failed attempts to create a successful formula. Will you short your own success story by quitting before you reach your goal? Keep walking on water!!

Congratulations Time:
Judy D. - Its official!! You have REACHED YOUR GOAL!! Yipee!! I'm so proud of you Cuqui!!! Now stay focused on living your life for the long run. Its not just about a # on the scale. Its also about your health - cholesterol levels, blood pressure, insulin levels. By keeping your mind focused on overall health you will continue to make good choices for your life! LOVE YOU AND IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

Easy Oatmeal Cookies (have these whenever your meal is carb/protein)

◦2 egg whites
◦¼ cup oatmeal
◦1 teaspoon vanilla or your favorite extract
◦½ teaspoon cinnamon extract
◦2 packets Splenda
Combine egg whites and extracts and whip till very frothy. I use the Magic Bullet. Add oatmeal and Splenda, mix with spoon and let stand for at least 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 425ยบ F. Spoon mixture onto parchment lined cookie sheet into four even "cookies". Mixture will be slightly runny so space them out. Bake for 7-10 minutes or until set.

This will make about 4 cookies AND THIS IS THE WHOLE MEAL! Don't eat this 'with' or 'after' your meal:)

Exchange: Protein A, Carb A

Back to Eden – Eat to Lose! It is a Christian based program and I'm getting back to basics and feel led to share it with my family. My email address is or call me at 704-493-2035. Just contact me directly and I'll work with you on your goals.

Meanwhile...Keep walking on water!

Lisa Indyatalks Thatch

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Will you be the battle axe God uses?

Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms; 21 And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider;

I cry everytime at the verse in the song 'Grateful' that says - " I am grateful for the things that you have done. I am grateful for the victories 'we've' won!" (I know ya'll probably know I cry all the time - lol) But specifically I am humbled that God counts me as a part of the victories and says 'we've' won them together. When the truth be told, I am probably more of a hindrance to God's winning battles than satan is. I get in His way and diminish the effectiveness of His power with my doubt and disbelief. With my questions and interruptions instead of walking in obedience to Him - trusting, completely.

Yet when I read that not only am I fighting 'with' God (on my side), We are actually the instruments of mass destruction that He is using to defeat the kingdoms that rise up against HIM!?! I was like - A battle axe?!? - one of the most dangerous weapons used in mideval history and a source destruction in all the really good 'war' movies. A battle axe is supposed to be razor sharp and oiled to perfection for its most effective use and even then, the weilder of the weapon must be skilled to really do it justice and in our case the weilder is the Lord himself!!

I want to be fit for the Master's use in all areas of my life. Spiritually, Mentally AND Physically! I want to allow God to 'sharpen' me and let me be the Battle Axe He chooses to use in this war against the adversary. "If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success" (Ecclesiastes 10:10). We can 'sharpen' ourselves by living purposeful, self-controlled lives that are pleasing to God. This SKILL will bring about SUCCESS!! WE WIN!!!

Congratulations Time:
Dr. Cassandra J. - So excited to have you on the journey! Let's get ready to WIN!!
Kenya T. - Keep going sista - I'm so proud of your consistency; time for a weigh in!!
Monica B. - Way to check ya' self. Iron sharpens Iron - Love you you got this!!
Maryland Crew - Hit me up with your numbers (Lissy:) Send those measurements) Love ya'll!!

Chicken & Apple Salad

This is really not a 'recipe' just a little something I threw together and it was soooo good.
Tossed Salad Greens
Grape tomatoes
Fresh Basil
Grilled chicken (cut up in chunks)
Gala Apple (cored and cut up in chunks like the chicken)
Wishbone Asian Silk - salad spritzer (you can use any vinigrette like raspberry vinigrette if you prefer)

Just toss it all in a bowl, spray it and YUMMY!! (for a tiny bit of sweetness you can add 5 or 6 'craisins' but that is extra sugar we probably don't skip it:)
This is a great meal/snack for those needing Protein A/B and Fruit A - remember veggies are always FREE.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yeah YOU! God's gonna use YOU to win this VICTORY!

Read Judges 6:1-22; 7:17-22
Gideon couldn't believe that God was talking to him. He didn't believe that 'he' was going to be instrumental in the Israelites victory over the Midianites. In all actuality, he (Gideon) didn't believe in himself - At ALL. Fortunately, God met him where he was. Read the story, its quite provocative about how Gideon goes from cowering in the threshingfloor to leading the Lord's people in a supernatural VICTORY!!

HALLELUJAH - it just revitalized me to realize that it doesn't matter where I start out, baby steps, insecurities and all - GOD IS ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY AND ABUNDANTLY!!!

Don't mistake promoting loving yourself 'as you are' with being 'the best you you can be'. We have so much local media about 'phat girls club' and 'the double diva crew' to name a few that probably started out with great intentions...'self love' or building 'self-esteem'. Which is good. GREAT!! even. But somewhere in loving yourself where you are has to include loving yourself as you should. That includes taking stock of yourself and being honest about everything.

Is it really too expensive? Too complicated? Not enough time? Or is it really just 'easier' to keep doing what you've been doing? Taking stock includes being honest enough with yourself to evaluate why you keep doing what you are doing? Are you afraid to fail? Or are you afraid to win? Being honest means facing your demons which can be painful at times.

Some of us are holding on to our weight because it gives us something hide behind. Some of us are sabotaging ourselves because we are afraid of who we will become. Some of us won't admit that we are afraid that even if we lose the weight it won't change our circumstances and we'd rather keep it as our excuse than to face the music.

Congratulations Time:
Kim J. MD- DOWN TO 288 from 321 in less than 4 months!! You are out of the '300's' out of the '290's' and now you are about to take the 80's by STORM! I'm so proud of you. You stuck in there through the plateaus and keep on pushing. You know you make me wanna SHOUT!!

Marsharie I. NC-Getting back on track with the exercise. I'm proud of you girl. Do your thang. Get those meals in and you've got it going on!

Recipe Time:
Easy Quiche (no cheese/no crust)

For this recipe you need a muffin pan (with liners - tinfoil liners are best) and a non stick skillet.
6 eggs
1/2 lb ground turkey (cooked)
10oz spinach
1 medium onion (diced)
1/2 green pepper (diced)
lite salt/pepper to taste
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp red hot pepper flakes (optional)
Pam cooking spray (2 skeets)
Land o Lakes Parmesan & Herb shake seasoning (just a couple shakes at the end)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Over medium heat, spray your non-stick skillet with Pam, allow skillet to heat. Put the liners in the muffin pan - set aside. Add the onions, spinach, green peppers to the skillet and season. Once they begin to wilt, add the ground turkey and toss til its heated through. Turn off the heat and set aside and let cool slightly (or they will cook your eggs when you add them together).

Whisk the eggs in a bowl for 25-30 seconds. Get lots of air in them. Then slowly fold in the meat/veggie mixture. Once it is all combined, ladle it into the muffin tins and bake for 10 mins (or until set). Remove from oven and sprinke with the parmesan/herb shake seasoning (non-dairy and delicious). Remember to use your scale to determine your portion depending on which size muffin tin you use. You can put each 'muffin/quiche' in a zip loc bag and store them in the freezer. Take them out and reheat in the microwave for less than a minute for a GREAT quick breakfast or snack on the go.

Exchanges: 1 Protein A/B; 1 Veggie A

Prayer: Lord, help us to see ourselves as you see us. Worthy of the best. Mighty men and women of valor. Fighting along side of you in this battle that we fight in VICTORY. Knowing that we win in our obedience to you Lord. Even in all we do, following your precepts shall lead us to victory. Thank you for your covering and thank you for keeping us. Today and forever more. In the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen!!

Back to Eden – Eat to Lose! It is a Christian based program that teaches you how to eat as God intended and rely on Him as the source of your strength. My email address is or call me at 704-493-2035. Just contact me directly and I'll work with you on your goals.

One time Consultation Fee is $75 (Facebook Friends & Youtube Subscribers just $50) will provide you with all the tools you need and my personal support. You won't have to buy anything else from me.

Meanwhile...Keep walking on water!

Posted by indyatalks at 8:19 AM

Monday, August 2, 2010

More than...

Romans 8:37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

"More than a conqueror" provokes me to consider all the things that I let hold me back from conquoring. The things I see in get in the way of the victory I should see. I'm more than a conqueror. Yes, I am. But even more importantly, I'm more than my failures or my short comings or my obstacles. In order to conquer I have to get some understanding.

I'm more than this belly-that seems to have a life of its own sometimes. I'm more than these thighs-that don't to play 'nice' with each other. I'm more than these arms - that keep waving long after everyones gone. I'm more than this butt-that jiggle-it more just a little bit. How about I'm more than a wife - who wants to be 'perfect'. I'm more than a husband - who can't seem to acheive the success he desires for his family. I'm more than the number on the scale. I'm more than what people say about me. I'm more than....well, a lot of stuff. When I focus on all the things I'm 'less than' I dimish my ability to conquer the things God has ALREADY made me MORE than a conqueror over!!

At the end of me and in the midst of my weakness is when I tap into my strenght and I become 'more than'. For where I am weak - YET I am made strong in the power of the Holy Ghost. I am more than the SUM of all my flaws.

We have the ability to put our thoughts under subjection to OUR will which should be HIS will. If we couldn't God wouldn't have said we should. "Shun vain and profane imaginations for they lead to more ungodliness." What is more ungodly than failure?!?! You are a winner! No matter what your current condition. You may not have manifested your 'conquest' as of this moment, but do what the word of God says, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is of good report...think on these things!

You are MORE THAN a conqueror!!! Now, let's get ready to take over the WORLD!! (one pound at a time:)

Sausage & Peppers Penne Pasta

1lb ButterBall Turkey Sausage
10oz Bird's eye frozen stir fry peppers mix
1 cup Trader Joe's Penne Rice Pasta
1 skeet Pam cooking spray (Olive Oil)

In a heated, non-stick skillet, brown and cook the turkey sausages through. Once they are cooked add the frozen veggies on top. Reduce heat, cover. (Let veggies brown). While that is cooking, prepare the Rice Pasta according to package directions. Be sure to rinse under cool water at the end of cooking to remove all excess start. Spray with Pam (olive oil) to prevent sticking.

I didn't use ANY additional seasonings on this dish. The sausages, peppers and onions all gave their flavor and the 'skeet' of olive oil Pam finished the deal. Delicious. You can substitue rice for the pasta if you prefer.

Shout outs! I have specifically used initials to represent our names in this blog today, because its not really about us individually. We share so many of these flaws. We are striving to do right and sometimes just give up because we focus on where we have failed and not where we have succeeded.

MD - You are more than your arms
CW - You are more than the # on the scale
JD - You are more than a cookie
LT - You are more than a piece of cake

We are MORE than our fault or our weaknesses. We are MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! This is a journey. One step, one day, one decision at a time.

Prayer: Lord, today remind us of who we are and how we are able to be more than. Its in you Lord. We don't have to expect perfection in ourselves, just of you. We ask that you 'perfect' us Lord. Bit by bit. Show us your way and lead us not unto tempation. Deliver us Lord from evil and the obstacles of our own thoughts and opinions. Don't let us short change ourselves Lord. Bless us and keep us. In the power and the authority of the name of Jesus!! Amen!!