This is a new stage. Things are going 'well' but you still can't be happy, you still refuse to 'relax'. Looking over your shoulder at yourself thinking, I could be happy here....but it won't last. Or hmmm, this is too good to be true, so it must not be. Or even, who am I kidding, I've never been able to (fill in your own blank here) for long, so I'm only setting myself up for a bigger let down if I get used to this.
Every change, every 'success' is also going to reveal a crack. A crack in the facade, the facade or image you are creating for yourself. Especially if we are only doing 'surface' work. Remember the roads they re-did in front of my house? I would have had them simply slap some 'new' asphalt on top of the old and make it pretty and smooth looking and be done with it. But now we realize, had they done that, it might have been completed more quickly, it may have looked good, it may have even lasted...for a little while, but eventually the breaches below, the weaknesses and imperfections that were left unattended to would cause the new, smooth, pretty upper layer to crack.
The new year has brought with it a tremendous amount of pressure to 'get fit', 'lose weight', 'get healthy'. The one that is the closest to where our focus ought to be is 'get healthy' but not just 'physically fit' that's only the surface. It takes a larger commitment to get fully fit. To delve into understanding (and repairing) all that lies under the surface. Then and only then can we be 'whole'.
James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.Rev. Lisa Thatch - A Caring Professional
Ladies, join us for prayer on the ladies prayer line - Mon-Fri at 6am and Saturday at 8am712-432-0232 passcode 813766#
Back to Eden - A Christian Approach to Weight Loss
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