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Friday, July 16, 2010

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny.

How do I move from where I am to where I want to go? How do I operate in the favor of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit. Separate the flesh from the faith. 'Feeling' and 'Faith' are not always in sync. I don't always 'feel' like doing what I need to do for anything or anyone. But 'Faith' has to be walked in whether I feel like it or not. Walking on water requires looking out over the sea and looking past the boundaries of the flesh. Looking past what's in my bank account, looking past what's in my house. Looking beyond what my relationships 'feel' like right now and looking to Christ for strength and looking to the Holy Ghost to enlighten me and allow me to do what is impossible.

It was impossible for "me" to lose weight. "I" have been trying to lose weight for over 20 years. "I" have walked in 'atkins', 'southbeach', 'jennycraig', and so many more really GOOD plans. But it wasn't the plan, it was the 'I'. It wasn't (and isn't - because I have to repeat this step EVERY DAY), but it wasn't until I surrendered my will to God, surrendered my 'FAT' to God and asked Him to go with me and show me how to walk on to choose healthy foods when I want to eat when I need fuel and not when I'm sad or to pray when I feel weak and cannot soothe wasn't and ISN'T until I put God first in this battle and then learn to put him first in EVERY battle, that I began to walk on water. That I began to be able to do the impossible (for me).

Every time I think I can boast or get comfortable in this leg of the journey, I am THANKFUL that I get a little setback, a little 'trial' for these trials they come to make me STRONG!! These little setbacks push me back on track. They push me to God (from whom I should have never veered). And the good thing about it, is He receives me back and even better, He reminds me that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD. Manifest your DESTINY - Surrender and walk on water!

Congratulations Time!
Moesetta C. - I'm so proud of your perserverence! Adding exercise and keeping on pushing towards your goals means that you are SERIOUS about this thing. I pray only for your success, my silverfox!!

Kamikka W. - You keep going, almost 50lbs down and you are staying on the journey. It is a big weekend for you with the family reunion - be easy, have fun, enjoy the family and stay on plan. You can do it!! (ok, just 1 slice of watermelon). Keep up the great work!!

Recipe: Its the weekend, lack of planning is a recipe for disaster. Either too much or too little structure typically plagues our weekend's progress. Remember your P's. Sit down and Pray. Ask God to make HIS plan for your weekend plain. Take it one day at a time. Remember lest the Lord build a house we labor in vain. Where will you be? What will you be doing? Plan for some unexpected activities. Beautiful weather is an excellent opportunity to go to the park. But plan your meals AHEAD of time. You can 'plan' to eat out, but make sure that you can find WHOLE UNPROCESSED choices so that you fuel your body with pure energy. 2 days, 12 meals, they won't happen on their own. Pack your tote, take your food, bring your water and EAT.

Prayer: Lord, help us to manifest our destiny, your will for us. Teach us to tear down strong holds. Show us how to cast down vain imaginiations. Remind of of who we are and WHOSE we are. Forgive us for our shortcomings and our sins and relase us to our destiny. Show us your will and encourage us to take the first step...into the water

Back to Eden: Eat to Lose! - A Christian Approach to weight loss!

Call for a consultation!! $75. Facebook friends: $50


Facebook: Lisa Indyatalks Thatch




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