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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Giving Thanks!!

Just getting back from church with my mom in Ohio. I'm so thankful that God created me in his image. I would have missed so much if I harbored unforgiveness in my heart. The love we share and the time we had was wonderful. The blessings of God released upon us and I'm looking forward to the increase.

The message was about looking at the world with 'faith' eyes rather than 'fear' eyes. The israelites spied the land, all looking at the same 'land' but perceiving it quite differently. Most of them were overtaken even before the fight began because it was already lost in their own 'eyes'. Only Caleb and Joshua could look at the land and the spoils God had set before them with the 'faith' to over-TAKE it! I will visualize my victory in all things. I have the victory because God says so.

Not just for me, but His abundance is laid up for all of his children. God is not a respecter of persons. He wants us to have life and life more abundantly. Trust in God and look to HIM not our circumstances.

I will look to you Lord for all the desires of my heart. Deliverance, Healing, Finances, Properity, Love, Peace, Weight Loss, Good Health, Long life, healthy and prosperous friendships, fullfilling marriage and my list can go on and on. I love you Lord and I thank you for promising to withhold from me NO GOOD THING. All that I desire when I seek you first and the Kingdom of God will be added unto me.

You are the source of my strength and the strength of my life. God send a blessing to them that read this post. Encourage them in their coming in and their going out. In their trials and tribulations, encourage them to look to you in the midst of their storm so that they can take the focus off the situation and walk by Faith.

In Jesus Name....amen!

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